Thursday 17 November 2016

May wants a Boris Johnson Looky Likey to meet with EU trade officials.

The government is asking Boris Johnson Looky Likeys to come forward and apply for a job where they impersonate Boris Johnson in order to make successful trade deals with the EU.

The Looky Likey will undergo a number of tests including hair styling, hand gestures and voice tones. A BBC political correspondent said, 'it has to be just right if we are going to convince Europe that the pretend Boris is ACTUALLY Boris.' 

The plan comes as a result of the 'heated' conversation Boris had with an Italian minister which turned into a 'spat' over whether the UK could access the single market. Johnson reportedly 'wagged his finger' while threatening that Prosecco sales would drop; and the Italian minister responded by blowing raspberries and crying out that he hates fish and chips.

Theresa May has been 'concerned' with a number of Boris' meetings and 'feels strongly' that a Looky Likey would do a better job of keeping EU officials on side. 

A source close to Boris claims that Boris is 'unfazed' by this government intiative,  'Boris is convinced that no one can impersonate him. After all, how is ANYONE going to master that Eton accent?'