
Wednesday 4 January 2017

Cakes and happiness banned from the workplace.

Today, the Health Minister has stated that all cakes and sugary foods will be 'banned' from offices where any type of 'business activity' is taking place.

This new initiative has sent 'shock waves' across the big companies and financial markets in London. One FTSE expert stated, 'not having the office cakes will have serious consequences- low morale can devastate productivity.'

One expert in 'Pure Happiness' spoke exclusively to The Big Pickle News, 'it's really quite concerning. Cakes provide a satisfying sensation on the tongue and in the stomach. And don't underestimate the endorphins that are released when one unclasps the plastic box containing chocolate flapjacks.' 

The initiative comes after the Dentistry Watch Dog produced a programme on how all the cakes are 'making us wobble' and making our breath 'stink'. The narrator of the programme stated, 'cakes increase our fat and rot our teeth. We've got to stop eating cakes before we're too fat to fit through the office door.'

However, Delia Smith and Mary Berry have joined forces in their campaign to stop the Health Minister and plan to deliver homemade cakes to every office in the UK in their bid to 'make clear' how valuable to the economy a good cake can be. 

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