
Thursday 5 January 2017

12 signs that you're more competent than your boss!

1) You notice 2 or 3 grammatical errors every time your boss sends an email.

2) In meetings you finish his sentences because he never explains things properly. 

3) Your boss eats far more chocolate than you do but claims all those wrappers in the draw are yours.

4) He has more toilet breaks than you.

5) He asks YOU if you know when he's getting paid. 

6) Even if he doesn't have a menstrual cycle, you know when his wife is menstruating because he moans about her incessantly. 

7) Your boss takes your drunken business ideas and claims them for his own.

8)  He takes the chocolate biscuits out of the tin before anyone else has a chance to.

9)  Your boss comes up with 'revolutionary' ideas for saving time like making a to-do list or organising a car share as if HE knows all the answers. 

10)  He doesn't know everyone's name and keeps calling you Susan who retired six months ago.

11) Your boss always says that Monday 'feels like a Tuesday'.

12) You cover up his mistakes and he's not even aware that he's made them. He thinks it's still Tuesday.


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