
Tuesday 3 January 2017

7 ways to beat those January blues!

1) Avoid the scales. Don't go on them until February. If you must step on them, fast for 24 hours first. Dehydration can be so slimming!

2) Look back at those holiday snaps- when you were tanned and svelte-like. Have one at the top of your bedroom mirror to motivate you into going to the gym. Try not to remember that it was months of Slimming World shakes that got you into that shape.

3) Write a list of New Year resolutions but include basic goals like 'turn up to work',  'eat an apple', 'drive past the gym'.  Lower your expectations and you can't go wrong!

4) If you want to feel some summer warmth, close your eyes and stick your head in the airing cupboard. It costs far less than an air ticket.

5) It's January and so it's no longer acceptable to eat the fattiest foods on the planet.  But who cares what people think?  Always have a chocolate stash, you never know when you might need to use it against the children.

6) Buy clothes which are one size too big.  After one month of Slimming World you'll feel like you've lost two stone- you might even become the Slimming World poster boy!

7) Work might really suck but, don't forget, there's always someone in the office who's eaten more mince pies than you. Figure out who they are and always remember them when you're feeling low- their muffin-top will always be bigger than yours!

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