
Monday 2 January 2017

Government offers 'ridiculous' advice on how to keep warm.

The government has issued a public leaflet offering 'helpful' advice on how to keep warm as temperatures dip a bit below freezing this week. 

A spokesmen for Downing Street made a statement, 'we are expecting moderately average temperatures but even though these temperatures are expected, we must prepare for the worse!'

However, the Labour leader has expressed his 'contempt' towards the leaflet and spoke exclusively to The Big Pickle News, 'it's ridiculous. The leaflet states that you must keep moving (at all times) in order to keep warm. And yet the front of the leaflet instructs you to stop, stop what you're doing, then it says that you must sit down and read the leaflet carefully. It's contradictory- and it WILL confuse people!'

The leaflet offers the following advice, 

'Drink lots of hot tea.  Cups and cups of tea. Make sure you drink it the moment it's served- a burnt tongue is well worth keeping warm!

Eat lots of sweets.  Always keep a bag of sweets on you. Love Handles and Moobs may not be pretty, but they'll keep you warm.

Wear your coat indoors AND outdoors. Forget what those old ladies used to say. New research into Winter coats suggests that 'you will feel the benefit!'