
Tuesday 2 January 2018

'TO BE HONEST...' says person who just wants to insult you.

Those friends who say 'to be honest' could 'be about to insult you,' says insult specialist, Ben Johnson, who states that the words 'to be honest' mean 'they are putting a cushion in front of your face before they take the first punch.'

Many agree with this bold statement: 'being honest is the new excuse for saying what you darn well think' says expert in diplomacy, Mr Voice, whose inspirational theory drew the crowds to his lecture on 'Golden Gossip and how to get it.'

Plus, not everyone reacts well to words of honesty. Sally Gulliball wants to sue her husband for his honesty which, he says, was 'well intentioned'.

 Sally spoke exclusively to The Big Pickle News: 'we went shopping and I kept asking does my bum look big in this? He must have replied 'to be honest' about ten thousand times AND THEN he said, 'yeah! Really big!'

Sally Gulliball later reported that she was 'devastated' and that such honesty was 'unacceptable'.
'Why can't a man just lie and have done with it?'