
Friday 8 December 2017

Those who hate Christmas songs 'have a high I.Q', says boring expert.

If you like Christmas songs then you have a 'cell shortage' in the brain, claims one expert who has studied Christmas cheer for more than a decade. Mr Funsponge made his announcement, today, ahead of the festive period: 'if you have lots of electrons firing in the brain it can resist Christmas songs and all their fuzziness. If you don't have many electrons, your brain will give in; it will start to find Christmas fun!'

The World Health Organisation insists that it's all 'make believe'. One medical expert spoke to our news team: 'if you don't like Christmas songs you're a grumpy old git!'

According to papers published by various health officials- 'heavy weights' in the medical community- Christmas songs release 'fuzziness' into your stomach which is released into your blood stream. One official believes 'it creates new happiness- new brain cells are bound to follow!'

However, many consider these findings 'utter nonsense!' Mr Funsponge insists no happiness can come from listening to a jolly song, 'even Elton John can't make me smile!' he said.

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