
Saturday 13 May 2017

Shocking report reveals that men DO believe in the Bin Fairy.

Today, a damning report has surfaced which claims over 90% of men believe in the bin fairy- that every bin in the house is somehow emptied by a 'small magical flying creature'.

Millions of women across the UK have collectively rolled their eyes in response to this report. One representative of the Women's Institute commented, 'mothers of the previous generation have spoilt their boys. So now men think fairies do household chores!'

An expert in the field 'worryingly' overheard two men talking in the pub. 'I almost choked on my drink when I overheard them discussing their magic dishwashers!'

Meanwhile, several men have 'hit back' insisting that 'it wasn't their fault!'. Others are 'adamant' that the bin fairy DOES exist. One man insists,  'I have never seen my wife take the bins out. Ever!'