
Tuesday 9 May 2017

BIG SHOCKER: Teachers ONLY stay in the job because of the holidays!

'Devastating' report suggests the worst scenario: teachers LOVE their time off!  

Plus, statistics and questionnaires carried out across the country point to the same conclusion:  all that every teacher thinks about is August!

One Head Teacher from Essex 'could not see this coming' as he expressed his disappointment about the findings. 'Teachers should live and breathe their job- you're not a real teacher unless you mark in your sleep and read the TES.' Unfortunately, the Head teacher could not speak any further as he'd been 'forced' to teach French and Maths, 'I just can't get the staff,' he admitted.

Other Head Teachers have refused to comment but OFSTED have spoken exclusively to The Big Pickle News, 'we need more rigorous assessment of our teachers. A lie detector will be introduced where we test a teacher's dedication- a REAL teacher works every single day of their holidays!'

Meanwhile, there have been several jokes and memes being shared on social media and some NUT and NASUWT reps have been spotted in A & E having split their sides from 'uncontrollable' laughter. 

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