
Saturday 25 November 2017

Obsessively counting your steps is a sure sign you 'suck' at Maths.

Extensive research into the type of customer who buys a fitbit has revealed that those who can't stop counting steps 'struggle' with basic addition.

Tracy, from Canvey, has always struggled with her counting since she was a 'wee nipper'. 'I always struggled with counting then I realised why- one day it dawned on me- that I only had nine toes when everyone else had ten! In Canvey, A LOT of people only have nine toes.

Meanwhile, a fitness specialist from Loughborough university, Doctor Ports, has made a public statement: 'Fit bits mean anyone can keep fit- even those who eat burgers all day can still claim to be a bit fit! Why knock it?'

The World Health Organisation has insisted that one should not 'give a rat's FAT arse' about what the critics say, 'counting your steps means people have GREAT maths skills. Counting to ten thousand is quite an achievement!'