
Thursday 26 October 2017

The Tupperware conspiracy theory IS true: the little lids DO hide from you!

Research carried out in millions of homes across the UK has made a phenomenal discovery: Tupperware and their lids have 'micro little legs and can walk and climb out of the house!'

Lead researcher, Mr Tubby, has studied Tupperware sets over the course of 3 years. He spoke exclusively to The Big Pickle News: 'lids of all shapes and sizes make a run for it as soon as the lights go out! Many go out through the cat flap, or a window, never to be seen again!'

The Tupperware factories have called the discovery 'absurd' and stated that if people were able to put their Tupperware lids 'in one place' then they would know where to find them.

Meanwhile, in Dorset, according to Dave Pinktin, all the disappearing lids are blamed on him, 'every bloody time!' And he can state, quite honestly, that he has no idea 'where the f*ck the lid is!'