
Thursday 5 October 2017

50% of those who put on weight 'blame it on the tumbledrier!'

According to F.F.S (Fat Fighters Society) many people who put on weight 'go into denial' and forget that the packet of Hobnobs which they 'hoover up' every evening contains those 'anti-skinny' ingredients called calories.

It's called S.A.D (Sugar abnormality Denial) where someone will gorge on sugary foods but will not see or admit what they're doing. 'It's a real problem' says Dr Spoon from Leeds university, 'until people can face up to S.A.D nothing will change. IT IS NOT the tumble drier's fault!'

'It's true,' said Jane Gotitright, from Primark in Chelmsford, who has a degree in S.A.D: 'People who are suffer from S.A.D might order a Full English but genuinely believe they've ordered something healthy like cabbage soup. It can cause real problems.'