
Wednesday 19 July 2017

'Wasps really are out to get you!' states expert in Insectology.

Research carried out with 23 million wasps has confirmed the public's 'greatest fears': wasps really are vindictive ba**ards!

Mr Beenicks- lead practitioner in KOBS (keeping our bees safe)- has done extensive research into this area: 'wasps will see a human and immediately their angry 'vitals' start to rise. They see a human and want to kill it!'

One man in his twenties has witnessed this behaviour: 'I was minding my own business, eating my 99 Flake when two wasps landed on MY ice cream! I tried to flick them off but they stung me. They need to be taught not to steal other people's food.'

A wasp specialist found this 'amusing' and made a statement on live TV: 'some people need to be taught basic common sense!' However, Mr Bigsting has received a huge backlash on Twitter with some users calling him 'insensitive' and a 'wasp w*nker'. 

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