
Friday 28 July 2017

Fat people 'fed up' of thin people saying they can't put on weight.

Millions of people across the UK who are 'sickeningly slim' are irritating their friends and colleagues by complaining that they 'simply can't put on weight!'

It is causing quite a stir amongst those who are 'horizontally challenged'. One lady who runs Weight Watchers complains that this is the number one problem her clients face, 'we are fed up with whiney thin people. Be a stick and be grateful about it!'

A skin specialist from Loughborough University says he understands a thin person's angst. Mr Thick spoke exclusively to The Big Pickle News: 'thin people can have a tendency to be moody as they are shocked that they are the LUCKY ONES and then spend the rest of their lives worried that they might, in fact, become fat.' 

S.L.U.T (Slim Ladies, Uppity and Tense) spoke out publicly about this claim, 'this is nonsense. We should be able to say what we like without being criticised for it. Slim people have it hard.'

Where's Wally who celebrated his 60th birthday this year says he knows 'how hard it is being slim':  'I've applied to be Santa several times in the last few years but every year they say no. I'm not fat enough. And to be jolly you need to be fat, apparently.'