
Friday 23 June 2017

Refusal to eat broccoli linked to 'leadership qualities'.

A specialist in broccoli consumption has carried out 'pioneering' research that could change the way we regard our 'fussy' eaters. 'If children don't eat a bit of green, so what? Our studies suggest that one day they might be Prime Minister.'

However, the British Operator Of Bulshit Statistics (BOOBS) condemns these findings. 'Anyone can be Prime Minister, these days!  All you got to do is repeat a few policies again and again. Say 'Hard Brexit', and say it loudly, and the public will love it!'

Meanwhile the World Health Organisation is 'concerned' about 'this disdain' towards vegetables. 'When did we suddenly decide that leadership potential was more important than vitamins? We promote green things for a reason!'

Also, uproar has arisen in the House of Commons, one notorious MP spoke exclusively to the Big Pickle News: 'How dare BOOBS say that anyone can be Prime Minister! It takes a lot of selfies with young people and lots of knocking on people's doors before you REALLY know you're capable of leading the country!'

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