
Tuesday 20 December 2016

TV perfume advert 'not pointless enough'.

The Maldunne Perfume advert where a muscly bodyguard saves a princess from a cliff edge has been pulled as it contains a storyline and so isn't 'pointless enough'.

The advertising standards agency insists that it needs to meet the legal 'pointless guidelines'. One spokesmen stated, 'every perfume advert must be completely pointless in order to have that mystery and intrigue. Therefore, the advert must have no talking, lots of close ups of dazed and disorientated characters and a whispery voiced narrator. Start having dialogue and actors who can do more than one facial expression and the advert flops!'

Maldunne perfume declined to comment on the matter but insisted that the advert had met the 'pointless guidelines' and that to accuse them of trying to add 'charisma and authenticity' to the characters was both insulting and unhelpful.

The actress who plays the princess in the Maldunne advert has 'promised' the company that she will 'forget everything that drama school taught her' so that she can be more 'wooden'.