
Friday 23 December 2016

Santa has an ANGRY wish list.

Santa has posted HIS wish list on Instagram, and it has caused nervous outrage across the country. 

He asked parents to 'check' the sell by date of their mince pies, to clean their chimneys or else they'll receive his dry cleaning bill, and asked for the central heating to be put on low due to the 'inexpressible heat' that comes from wearing a five centimetre thick coat and a long beard. 

The list has sparked mixed reactions from celebrities and politicians.

'Santa hasn't thought this through,' tweeted Emma Bunton. 'He can be a bit thick- I left out a cuddly bunny for him, once. He wrote Thanks but I'm a vegetarian.'  

Another celebrity who was also quick to respond was Alan Carr. He tweeted, 'some people are never 'appy, are they? I mean, free booze and food at every house? What more could you want, working only one night in the year?'

Boris Johnson tweeted, 'poor old Santa. He better be careful about his drinking because that  sleigh is awfully big- I don't want him crashing it into my house!'

Meanwhile, Santa's chief elf has made an announcement on The Big Pickle News, 'Santa is a little bit sensitive at the moment, particularly as some of the elves posted a picture of him from last Christmas Eve where he got stuck up the chimney and had to shout for help. Please be patient with him.'